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Customer Products Ideas Portal - ACS SiftAi

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Article similarity search

Allow a user to upload an article and provide a set of articles similar to the one uploaded.
Michael Hatton 11 months ago in  0

Include content from other publishers

Having more peer reviewed content in SiftAi may enhance the insights that can be extracted from the research.
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Ability to see properties for chemicals discussed in articles in a users search results

Need to learn more about this request and how it would be used/add value
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

ChatGPT-like search capabilities

The ability to query ACS research content using generative AI and LLM is something that has been requested by several research participants.
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Provide a way for user to understand if a compound or method is ready for commercialization

Many folks in industry are really only interested in compounds or methods that are ready for commercial use. Understanding how mature the research is around a particular topic would provide some indication of this readiness. See S-curve concept.
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Provide access to SiftAi for ACS Members

Providing access to SiftAi for ACS Members as either a free benefit or through a fee could support: Membership stickiness by providing access to a tool that they could integrate into their workflows Provide an alternative revenue stream for ACS
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Ability to search by compound structure

No description provided
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Ability to view heat map changes over time

The ability to easily understand how co-occurrence of concepts have changed over time. This would allow the user to under whether certain aspects of the research are in their infancy or mature.
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Knowledge Graph

An interactive knowledge graph created from metadata on the research articles that would allow a user to explore published research by navigating through the connections in the graph.
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0

Collections table to mark whether user has read it and understand what to read next

On the Collections page, have the ability to view a table showing metadata for the articles such as title, contributors, tags, etc. The table would allow the user to mark an article if they have read it with some indicator as to whether the articl...
Michael Hatton over 1 year ago in  0